I Want To Be A Writer When I Grow Up

So, I thought I would start a blog to display some of my personal writings. I would love feed back on any or all of it! I welcome constructive criticism, or words of encouragement!

Saturday, August 15, 2009


I was sad when we finally sold our house in Las Vegas. Here's my poem about it....

It’s just a place…
a habitation…
a residence…
Why do I feel so melancholy?
Memories made there
Babies grow
Husband graduates
I slept alone – but was never lonely.
Seven years of hopes and dreams.
But things change.
A stranger lives there now.
I treasured my Vegas abode.
But I choose family.
HOME is where they are!


  1. I loved our home in Vegas too. I really enjoy reading your poems over and over again. Thanks for sharing them with the world.

  2. What a fun idea!! Thanks for sharing!!
